Joni on Microsite

This website runs on an MCU

Welcome to the Microsite, my personal website and blog which is served from a single ESP32-S3 in my studio apartment up in Seattle, Washington. For more details, check out the “About the Microsite” page.

I’m Joni Hendrickson, an embedded systems engineer doing things with microcontrollers, robotics, and websites. I’ve worked on satellites, grocery stores, virtual reality, FreeRTOS, and some other things. I made this website so that I could get better at writing, and so that I could talk about the things I make.

A picture of Joni Hendrickson, in the electronics workshop at Seattle Makers
A picture of Joni Hendrickson, in the electronics workshop at Seattle Makers

What am I working on?

I’ve just about finished with my first version of the Microsite, running on an ESP32-S3 devkit and ESP-IDF, and I’m cutting myself off to work on writing up some blog posts.

Afterwards, there’s a few things I may work on:

Blog Posts